A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Lie, cheat, and steal your way to victory in Dirtbag Mahjong!

Choose your character and join five other dirtbags for a night of riichi mahjong - with a twist. Nobody here plays fair, and they've all got some dirty tricks up their sleeves.

Dirtbag Mahjong is a complete and beginner-friendly mahjong experience that also offers some party game surprises to keep experienced players guessing.


  • Riichi mahjong text guide and interactive tutorial, to help ease into the game or the higher difficulties
  • Six playable characters with unique abilities, each with their own story mode
  • Free play mode with either "standard" or "dirtbag" rules, for a complete single-player mahjong experience
  • CPU difficulty options ranging from beginner-friendly to unfairly hard
  • Character and mahjong tile skins
  • Handmade pixel art

Demo features:

  • The full riichi mahjong text guide, and the first two chapters of the interactive tutorial to get beginners started
  • A preview of Vren's first playable story chapter
  • Dirtbag mode free play with a random character
  • Normal mode free play with full choice of character

The demo is not limited-time, but there is a restriction in how many full East games you can play before it ends, since the free play mode covers a significant amount of the game.


  • 2025.02.24: Public demo
  • Sometime in 2025: Game release on itch and Steam with all the features listed above
  • Later in 2025: Extra stretch goals if we can afford the dev costs

All screenshots are currently from demo a3.19.


dirtbag mahjong demo a3.20 linux.zip 40 MB
dirtbag mahjong demo a3.20 macos.zip 65 MB
dirtbag mahjong demo a3.20 windows.zip 43 MB

Development log


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More resolution options, please ;-; I don't have a 1440p screen, and got a bit of neck strain from trying to look at the numbers on the man/characters tiles after a few games

Also some way to look at what your opponents' abilities are  doing  without memorizing         them    would  be  nice,   though   that's  mostly just     for  convenience imo

Aside from  that, it's  a  very  fun  demo  and  I'm  excited  for  the full  game 💙


1080p resolution is planned for the full release (along with some less common ones), it just couldn't be included in the demo because it requires quite a bit of extra work.

we've also got some plans to make it easier to see character kits in-game, so it's good to know that's a thing people want.

thank you for the kind words, and i'm glad to hear you enjoyed the demo! we're excited to get back to working towards release ' w '

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side note; I didn’t play the in-game mahjong basics/tutorial myself because I already knew how to play, but some friends that were less familiar mentioned that it was a noticeably better tutorial than they’ve gotten from like Mahjong Soul (:

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I've really been looking forward to this!

Since I knew Mahjong already, I went straight into the story mode, and the first match felt really rough around the edges. There didn't seem to be any way to check the characters' powers while in the match, so I was just kind of flying blind about all the abilities getting fired off, and about what my own ones ("master baiter"?) even did, since there aren't any tooltips or anything.

All the abilities happen so fast, too, it's so easy to miss them - I think something like a chatlog-style window that tracks them, with mouseover tooltips for what stuff like getting "aimed at" or "poisoned" even does, exactly, would go a REALLY long way to clear up the confusion there?

Lastly, the music got really grating REALLY fast and I found myself wishing there was a way to adjust the volume from the pause menu!

That's all! Right now, this is looking pretty rough, but I'm really excited for how it'll end up later down the line!

(1 edit)

(Ah wait, there *are* mouseover tooltips! Only for your own abilities and for status effects, but that's already a huge help.. why couldn't I get those to show up the first time...? Pressing shift to show them works great, too, but the "Shift: View Tooltips" text on the right sidebar only shows up while I'm pressing shift @_@ That whole first match, I had no idea...)


thanks for the feedback!

some things had to be changed/fixed fairly close to the demo launch date and we didn't have time to make them clearer afterwards. we're definitely taking feedback into account for full release though (and will try to do smaller updates in the next couple weeks for the more minor changes)

i'm not sure why the mouse tooltips weren't working for you the first time around though, that's really weird. i'll see if there's a way to have a fallback for if that happens. the shift thing wasn't showing up before you hit shift because keyboard and mouse are considered different control schemes, so the fallback should make that clearer too.

i'm looking forward to this ^_^

This looks so much fun!!

as a mahjong lover and a mahjong-but-with-other-fun-elements lover, super excited for this!!