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This is beyond beautiful and already addicting! I am in love!

This looks really good so far! I can't wait to see v 0.1.1!

This looks so amazing! When it does come out as a full game, you bet I'll speed over here and play!


thank you! it'll probably take another long while but i hope the wait is worth it! :)

this looks absolutely wonderful! with just a bit of work this can become a wonderful little experience!


This looks very ambitious! I hope your plans for this game come to fruition!

Soooo excited for this!

Hi! I saw Sylvan Meadows on the Wholesome Direct, and I just wanted to say I'm excited to see what you come up with!

these elves? very cute.

Deleted 91 days ago

thank you very much!! i don't reply to all the comments but this one and the others warm my heart <33

excited to get to show more as well!

this game has my name written all over it. I love elves, and its absolutely adorable. I can't wait to see where it goes!

Nice.  The only thing that bothers me is that you have to click repeatedly to move.  It's just a pet peeve of mine.   Maybe you could make it where you can just hold down the left mouse button and move.


i might look into it at some point! if i do it'll be an alternate control scheme as opposed to a replacement though, since holding the mouse is generally less accessible than just clicking a destination

(1 edit)

Ahhh it looks so cute!! I'd LOVE to play it but I'm pretty sure my computer is too out of date  ;-;

This looks so good! Everything is so cute!

Adorable! I can't wait to see more. Good Job!

Really cute, excited to see more:)


I like your style.


seeing the all nonbinary characters made me feel so happy, makes me proud of my own nb identity

i'm glad! and very touched to hear it ' w '

it wont let me play because its "unable to initialize video driver" does anyone know how to solve it ;-;

what version are you trying? that sounds like maybe an issue with your browser or gpu drivers :(

I tried windows but its alright,my sister told me that i have a windows 7 so it doesn't work because its like 9 years old.It works in my laptop though and i really like this game :)

This looks so cute and i'm excited for more gameplay! (I'm nonbinary and autistic too!)


love this! the customizable character and name helped with dysphoria and loved the art style <3

The character design, the art style, everything about this looks adorable! It was really neat to read the little bits of lore and character info. Looking forward to seeing what comes of this <3

This looks soooo good! And super endearing, I love all the characters already and I can even see the thought put into the lore. I can't wait to see more, thank you!~


thank you! <3 there's over 5 years of work put into the lore/characters by now (i'm afraid to check the exact count) so i'm glad it's showing through!


This game is so endearing and the character creation is very satisfying. Excited to see it progress :)

This game is so amazing I can't wait to play more!

(2 edits)

I loved this so much! It's just a calm little game that helps you forget your worries for a moment. I felt so relaxed playing this, and I can't wait to see where this goes!


thank you! i'm glad to hear that ' w ' i definitely want this to be a feel-good kind of game so i'm happy to hear i'm already hitting the mark!

Its super cute!! I love the character creator options, and the other characters are cute too :) Im very excited for progress on this game <33

Wow! Some of the best character creation I've seen since the wii. Lovely art style and dialouge (I liked the coversation aspect of it). I think that if the text quickly apeared letter by letter, it would have a nice effect that would mak the game just that little bit better. Overall, amazing work. I hope you keep going!


thank you very much!! i'm glad you think so!

text animations will probably be an option later (it's already on my radar and fairly easy to set up), but most little details like that aren't a priority yet because they're more about finish than functionality, and until i have a more solid prototype ready i'm focusing on functionality more.

when playing on browser version, i always get this.

"Unable to get property 'getParameter' of undefined or null reference"

does this happen in download version too? (btw i'm in the windows 10)

other people have reported this issue before, and it seems unique to browser - i think it might be linked to not having the prerequisite version of webassembly or webgl, but i don't have a way to test for sure. all i know is i haven't been able to replicate the error on my side :(

this shouldn't happen on the downloaded version though, so you should most likely be able to run that instead!

I don't have much to add or say, I just wanted to let you know that even just this bit done is amazing and I love the art! 


I can't wait to see what this turns into!


Really cute game!  Love the art style.  Found a couple bugs: During character creation I had to click outside the game space and back in to be able to type my name, and once in game the body and facial markings became opaque instead of the transparent I had set.


thank you!

i'll check out the markings bug, that's the first i've heard of it. as for the typing bug, i wonder if it could be a browser-related thing because it's been mentioned before but i can't seem to replicate it on my end at all.

I'm using Chrome, normal browsing mode.  I did scroll down the page a bunch to look at description and comments after clicking in the game area but I don't remember if I ever actually clicked anything until I realized I couldn't type.  Probably something to do with that.  Maybe I changed tabs.

Aaaa, everything is cute! Especially the little hair accessories that are in your inventory. Is there a way to get the elf looking for their fishing supplies to talk to you?

thank you! currently there isn't, no! and there's a slight glitch with their dialogue i didn't notice before posting the update (it shouldn't repeat this much)


I'm going to be serious, I love this game and I can't wait for another update!


I love the concept! The character creator is so nice, I love the artwork so much <3 good luck on making the next versions, I can't wait to see them <3

Deleted 310 days ago

i'm afraid i can't replicate the issue on my side... what are you doing specifically? and which version are you on? (web, windows, osx?)

there seems to be a bug with the mac ver. where the face paint are not really correct, but otherwise this game is fricken adorable and i cant wait to see what more awaits


oh no, sorry to hear that! :( i forgot to write it on this build (fixed now) but i don't have access to a mac to test that version at all, so it's basically just a blind export at the moment. i'll try to see if i can find a friend to help me check on it for the next versions, thanks for the heads-up!

and thank you for the kind words! <3

its all good, just thought you might want to know. Keep up the good work :]


Words can't describe how much I love this game! I really hope you finish it <3 


aww, thank you, that's really sweet of you! i hope i finish it too!

Aaa I fell in love with my elf. If we're an artist or something, are we allowed to draw the elf we created?

aaa ohmygosh that's so sweet of you ;w; and yeah, absolutely! i'd appreciate if people didn't claim any of the NPC elves were theirs (though art is still totally cool), but anything you design in there is yours in my opinion.

if you draw your elf i'd love to see them! <3 and if you're comfortable feel free to post it in the discord as well

Hey, I absolutely loved this demo, all the characters are really cute, and the game already sets it's atmosphere!

If you ever want to translate the game to Brazilian Portuguese just send me an email and we can work on it. I do it just for fun, so I don't charge for it, and I've already made a translation on the game Hitogotchi.

Lovely game, hope to see more updates soon <3

thank you! really glad you like it! <3

at the moment none of the text is remotely close to finalized so translation is going to be a bit of a ways off i'm afraid, but when i get around to it i'll keep you in mind, thank you for the offer!


Extremely cute! I love all the options, and the different characters were fun to talk to. Good luck!

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